Review by Neue Wege Miteinander / Isolation Performance Photography Integration
During twelve days visitors had the chance to see photographies and a performance of ISOLATION by Rasoul Pourmoradi in Berlins LISTROS gallery for the first time.

The opening was selected for June, 26th, 2016 on the occasion of the International Support Day for torture victims proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1997.

In the afternoon Pourmoradi suprised with a white costume and being in a giant bird cage visitors and passerby’s on the street with his 30 minute live performance. Another man – completely black with a lash in his hand – was driving Pourmoradi forward who was displaying later signs with words to the crowd. Values, which are suppressed all over the world by means of torture. Passerbies in Berlin reacted quite differently: some were astonished, some nodding with their head, honking cars among.

Back in the gallery, association member Robby Woitke and gallerist Dawitt Shanko commented in their speeches on the Support Day and on Pourmoradis work. Finally, visitors enjoyed a nice Ethiopean buffet with typical African dishes.

Everyone who had the opportunity to meet the artist Pourmoradi on site was asking especially for the background and the single stories behind the displayed photographs. People who are socialized quite safe and without any repressive situations might find those black-and-white photographs even somehow aesthetic. In fact, they reveal frightening torture procedures which are currently used all over the globe. To sensitize the public for this topic, the artist Pourmoradi did not refrain from presenting his works to the public knowing that due to his political positioning and his active reflection within arts he is not going to meet only friends.

Neue Wege – Miteinander and artist Pourmoradi develop a travelling exhibition with an integrated educational concept. We aim to achieve an active dialogue with different target groups via the artistic objects.



Neue Wege – Miteinander e.V.
Straße des Friedens 29, D-06217 Merseburg

Phone 0049 3461 2892507
Mobile 0049 151 70500500

Board of Association

Gudrun Woitke
Robby Woitke
Reinhilde Wrobel


Sparkasse Saalekreis
IBAN DE18 8005 3762 3310 0167 56